Permanent Make-up Services
New client PMU specials for a limited time.. call or text for details.
All cosmetic tattoo clients are offered a free, no obligation consultation where our talented PMU artist will discuss options and answer all your questions. Services include a free touch up appointment post service. Book your free consultation with Cindy today.

Permanent makeup, also referred to as a cosmetic tattoo, is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by use of a small motorized tattoo machine. Permanent makeup is excellent for those who desire a soft natural enhancement to their appearance without the use of make-up.
Those with eyebrows that may be sparse, uneven, or over-plucked. Those wanting to create the illusion of a thicker, darker lash line or wanting to add color to lips for that perfect pout.
The permanent makeup process starts with a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for permanent make-up and to discuss your desired outcome. When you come in for the procedure appointment, you will discuss in length with our PMU artists the design of the look you are after. Next, she will apply topical anesthetics for your comfort, then begin with the application of the pigment. Please be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be slightly darker and brighter than what is expected for the final outcome. As your skin exfoliates during the healing process, the color will soften, especially within the first month when you will lose approximately 20-30% of color. At the end of the appointment, aftercare recommendations will be discussed as well as follow-up appointment details.
Anyone getting lash liner must wait 3 months after an eye lift or laser eye surgery. Lash extensions must be removed before the procedure and lash serums must be stopped 1 month prior to the procedure. Anyone getting a lip tattoo must take an anti-viral medicine 7 days prior to your appointment if you've EVER had a cold sore before. Lip tattoos will cause a big break-out and your lips will not retain color. In addition, botox procedures need to be done 3 weeks prior to or after the procedure. It is also best to not schedule an appointment during your menstrual cycle week.
Come to your appointment with a clean, makeup-free face. Do not work out the day of or the day after the procedure. Make sure to avoid excessive sun exposure and especially sunburn 3 days before your procedure. Avoid plucking, waxing, threading, or any hair removal services within 3 days of your procedure. Do not drink coffee or anything with caffeine on the day of the procedure. Do not take blood-thinning medications (unless medically necessary) including Aspirin, Niacin, Ibuprofen, (Tylenol is okay) Vitamin E or Omega-3, 48 hours prior to the procedure. Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before the procedure. Also, please let us know if you are on Accutane, Antibiotics, or Proactive.
After your appointment, we will go over in detail the appropriate aftercare for your new cosmetic tattoo. You may have slight redness and swelling in the first 24-48 hours. You will be applying a very small amount of ointment on your cosmetic tattoo 3-5 times a day during the healing process which will appear slightly shiny. Avoid extreme water exposure, saunas, heavy sweating, hot steamy showers/jacuzzis/ yoga, sun tanning/sunbeds, picking, peeling, or scratching the tattooed area for 14 days while healing.
Yes, at least one touch-up visit is recommended to evaluate the healed results and color retention. During this appointment, we will also perfect the design and color. Touch-up appointments are scheduled 4-8 weeks after the initial visit to allow your skin time to heal. While the cosmetic tattoo procedures are considered permanent and may initially appear the exact color and tone desired once healed, over time the color will fade due to the aging of the tattoo, health, and/or environmental factors, so color retouching may be necessary after 1-3 years of the initial procedure
It is slightly different for everyone, but tattooed eyebrows usually last 1 to 2 years for most people, before they need a touch-up. Permanent eyeliner lasts approximately 3 to 5 years or more. Lips vary, but usually 2 years or more
Cosmetic tattoos are not recommended for those under 18 years old, who are pregnant and/or nursing, have uncontrolled diabetes, who is HIV positive, are undergoing chemotherapy, have a viral infection/disease, epileptic, has a pacemaker, a major heart condition, organ transplant, prone to seizures, skin irritations or psoriasis near the treated area, prone to keloids. Additionally, those who have had botox in the last 3 weeks